Trailer Rental Policy
Reservations taken the month prior to guests arrival date.
Rentals paid at check-in or at time of reservation after arrival.
Must provide driver’s licence and proof of insurance if pulling Broken Arrow trailer.
Horses who are not staying at our facility cannot be transported in a Broken Arrow trailer.
Due to high demand, cancellations must be made before check-in. No refunds if trailer is not used.
All rentals must have a safety check by Broken Arrow staff before departure. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Horses/Mules must be loaded and unloaded at your assigned barn.
Trailer must be cleaned out.
Office ball and hitch must be returned (if applicable).
3 Horse Bumper-Pull: Maximum 3 Horses/Mules
Must have 2-5/16 ball and a drop-down hitch (available in office).
$50.00 charge if ball and hitch are not returned.
4 Horse Goose-neck and Bumper -Pull: Maximum 4 Horses/Mules
Bumper pull is a 2” ball